2024 FPB Tournament Rules


The host association rules will be in effect for all regional, super regional, and world series tournaments. 


  • The home team will be pre-determined for all pool play games.
  • The home team will wear the white jerseys.
  • The home team for bracket games will be determined by the higher seed. 


  • All roster players must be in the batting order. 
  • During pool play the batting border will not change. Whoever makes the last out in a game the next batter will lead off the next game. 
  • Once teams reach bracket play the coaches will make the batting order. 
  • If a player is injured and cannot continue to play, he may be removed from the batting order without penalty.  Once his time at bat has been skipped, he may not re-enter the game. 
  • If a player is ejected his spot in the batting order will be an automatic out every time it comes up. 


  • No player can eh more than once until all players have been the eh at least once. 
  • If all players have taken a turn at being eh, the coaches discretion may then be used to determine the eh for the remainder of the game. 
  • It is completely the coaches discretion on what position each player plays.  Every position is equally important.  Coaches are to put the players in the positions that gives their team the best chance to compete. 
  • Penalty:  any team found not to follow the above rules will only be allowed two outs their next at bat. 
  • The rule must be protested by the opposing team before the third out of the inning in question.


  • Players are allowed a maximum of three innings (9 outs) during pool play.  
  • All players are a total of six innings (18 outs) for the entire tournament. 
  • If a team plays more than 5 games, all pitchers will receive one additional inning for every game over 5. 
  • The maximum innings pitched in one day, regardless of number of games played is 6. 
  • Penalty:  the opposing team must protest an illegal pitcher while he is still pitching.  If a player is found to be illegal he must leave the mound immediately and all players on the team will be charged one inning pitched. Furthermore, the illegal pitcher’s stats will not count.  When compiling stats, if the commissioner finds any pitcher to be illegal, he will automatically remove said player’s stats.  It does not have to be protested for this to occur. 


  • Any coach that is ejected from any game will be removed from his coaching position. 
  • This is an all-star tournament meant for the kids to have a good time and show off their talent. 
  • Please understand the emphasis is on the individual’s player stats, not a coaches wins and loss record.  
  • Any fan causing any type of disruption or in any way taking away from the game will be removed from the ballpark. 
  • Zero tolerance for unsportsmanlike behavior from the fans. 
  • All of the coaches are volunteers, if you wish to have an input during the games, please sign up to coach.  We can use all the help we can get. 


  • Each team is responsible for having a game changer scorekeeper.
  • Teams that do not have a scorekeeper will not qualify to have stats that determine who advances to the next round. 
  • Scorekeepers from both teams must sit together so there is no discrepancy on how the plays are scored. 
  • All scorekeepers will be required to take a game changer training course online.  This will be provided on the fpb website. 
  • The decisions made by the scorekeepers will not be the determining factor for player scores. 
  • All reached on errors will be converted to hits.

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